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The combination of two things that I have always loved, sports, and gambling. I have always for the most part kept betting amongst friends, until yesterday, where through the referall of Joe Evangelista I found myself on BetUsa.com. He has been betting on sports for a while now, and with great success I must add, which obviously helped steer me in this direction. I know my sports pretty well, and after a moments consideration of how often I throw money away buying booze, extragavant amounts at that, I could no longer justify not putting money into something which brought me not only pleasure, but a chance at profit as well.

Joe has a good strategy: Deposit 40.00$ in your account once a month, no more no less. Bet on the games that you are confident on, with low payouts, and build up your account until you’re in a position to take a slightly longer shot for a chance at the big bucks. If I blow my 40, I must wait until next month to place another bet. This ensures I maintain conservative bets so I can continue throughout the month.

Yesterday I made two bets, the first, on the Rays over the Tigers straight up. It seemed like a lock, Kazmir on the mound, Rays needing one win to clinch the pennant, and on the other side, well the Tigers. One win in their last 11 games, most recently an ass beating sweep vs the Royals to take over sole possession of last place in the Central.

Naturally the first time I bet on the Tigers all season, as well as the first time I’ve ever bet against them, they decide to win a game.

With twenty dollars in the whole, one bad bet away from blowing my load for the month, I bet even more conservatively on Roy Halladay beating the Yankess, which he has made a career of. Sure enough Halladay through a complete game leading the Blue Jays to a win and my first online gambling success.

I entered today with  balance of 35.00$. I have placed two more bets: Liriano and the Twins over the Royals at home, and Lackey and the Angels over Texas at home, looking to go two for two heading into the weekend.

Suggested Bets:

Phillies over the Nationals at home. They have won 10 of their last 13, and are looking to close out a fantastic september and clinch the division. Ryan Howard and Jimmy Rollins have both caught fire, Howard looks like a front runner in the MVP.

Diamondbacks over the Rockies. Dan Haren on the mound, won three straight.

Red Sox over the Yankees. Within 2 games of the Rays. At home, Daisuke on the mound.

Dodger over the Giants. Derek Lowe as been on fire, every start counts in a contract year. Manny Ramirez has been decent as well

Record: 1-1